
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice


Milwaukee Judge Strikes a Blow to State’s Pain and Suffering Cap

Over the last few years, tort reform advocates across the country have successfully achieved statewide legislative “caps” on pain and suffering awards. The idea of pain and suffering caps sprang from business and medical organizations that lobbied their local representatives to limit the recovery possible for a person injured through…


The Facts of Joan River’s Death

In the wake of Joan Rivers’ passing we have seen an outpouring of love and support from millions of fans all around the world. With the sudden and unexpected circumstances of her death this past Thursday, it’s impossible to ignore the question of what could have caused such a rapid…


Being Your Own Best Advocate: A Story of Falsified Mammogram Results

Sharon Holmes was shocked to discover a lump in one of breasts just three months after being cleared by her mammogram results. In a follow-up test doctors found that Sharon had aggressive stage 2 breast cancer that had already spread to her lymph nodes.What could have caused such a massive…


Can Education Put an End to Underground IV Treatments?

A Chinese woman in Flushing Queens has brought a lawsuit against a local storefront medical clinic for administering an intravenous solution that might have caused a severe infection. 61-year-old Myung Hwa Jang visited the clinic seeking a remedy for her cold-like symptoms when she was given the solution, known to…


13 Spinal Surgery Patients Exposed to Fatal Brain Disease

13 spinal surgery patients in the Northeast may have been exposed to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or CJD, after being operated on with equipment that was used previously on a patient that showed symptoms of the disease before her death.CJD is a rapidly progressing neurodegenerative disease that typically affects 200 Americans every…


Lavern’s Law Fails to Pass in New York

In the last three years Brooklynite Lavern Wilkinson has been let down by nearly everyone she thought she could trust. Back in February 2010 Lavern checked into Kings County Hospital with a chronic cough. The doctors ordered a chest X-ray that clearly revealed early stages of lung cancer. Only no…

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