
Articles Posted in medical malpractice caps


The “Frivolous Lawsuit” Fallacy

It is widely believed that state courts are drowning in lawsuits. Many corporate lobbyists would have you believe that tort lawsuits are on the rise, when in fact the opposite is true: tort lawsuits have declined sharply in recent years. In 2015, less than two people out of 1,000 filed…


How a Florida Governor Robbed His Constituents Of Their Constitutional Right

Susan Kalitan was undergoing carpal tunnel surgery in a Florida hospital when the anesthesia tube administered by her doctor punctured her esophagus. Susan awoke after the surgery and immediately told her doctors that she was experiencing severe pain in her back and chest, but they dismissed her complaints. The doctors gave Susan…


Rights of Medical Negligence Victims Threatened By Proposed GOP Bills

New bills spearheaded by the GOP could make it harder for victims of medical negligence and medical malpractice to secure fair compensation for their injuries. As part of the House Republicans’ efforts to replace President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, these bills would place new limits on lawsuits that involve doctors,…


Disabled Teen Killed by Nursing Home’s Outrageous Conduct

Lake Forest, CA teenager Kevin Barr hasn’t had it easy. Kevin was born 25 weeks premature, and suffered throughout his life from a seizure disorder as well as cerebral palsy. Kevin’s parents Mark and Michele Barr sought out the best care in their area for Kevin. They brought him to…

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