
Articles Posted in Sexual Abuse


Sexual Abuse Victims Can Hold Their Abusers Accountable Outside Of Criminal Court

In the wake of the many allegations of sexual harassment and abuse against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, victims of such misconduct are coming forward in unprecedented numbers. With the “#MeToo” movement trending on social media, a stunning number have shared their stories, revealing a problem endemic to not just the…


Thousands of Sexually Abusive Doctors Protected By “Culture of Secrecy”

Dr. David H. Newman, accused of groping emergency room patients.[/caption]In a speech to medical students at the University of Virginia, former clinical research head at Mount Sinai Hospital and ethics lecturer Dr. David Newman said, “[Patients] believe in us. They have faith in us, it’s almost religious. We need to…


NY Senate Votes to Protect Child Rapists From Lawsuits

Why will Dylan Farrow never be able to bring her father Woody Allen to court for allegedly sexually abusing her when she was 7-years-old? Why is Bridie Farrell unable to press charges against Olympic speedskater and former US Speedskating President Andrew Gabel for allegedly abusing her when she was 15?…


The New York Law That Protects Rapists

“I’m not here looking for a quick buck,” says 39-year-old Michael DeSantis, who as a child was raped by many of the priests in his Colonie, NY parish. “I don’t want your dirty money. All I’m asking for is a day in court.” Like many underage victims of sexual assault,…


Our Legal System is Failing Sexual Assault Victims

Pastor Brian Williams’ pattern of sexual violence against teenage girls was glaring to anyone that knew the facts. When the mother of teenager April Jokela complained that the Ohio pastor had attempted to reach his hand into April’s pants in the early 1990s, church officials asked her to “keep this…


Alleged Rapist and Bikram Yoga Founder Finally Taken Down by Civil Lawsuit

Bill Cosby. Bryan Singer. Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Now we can add Bikram Choudhury, founder of Bikram Yoga, to the growing list of powerful men thrust into the spotlight in recent years for allegations of sexual abuse. The 69-year-old hot yoga guru, whose followers include former presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton,…


A Personal Injury Remedy for Child Pornography’s Victims

Personal injury cases are often brought to help remedy injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents, construction accidents, and medical malpractice. But, as I have written of previously, personal injury lawsuits can, in certain cases, arrive at a resolution where no other legal remedy is available. With the rise of child…

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